Jenna Jax-Anders hit rock bottom in high school. Or so she thought. From rock star heiress to knocked-up has been, she turned it all around, marrying the punk rock baby daddy love of her life. The perfect Hollywood fairytale. Until the day she walked in on him kissing her best friend.
First off let me say I love the cover! I know this will sound awful of me but I am a sucker for a pretty cover and sadly I do judge books by the covers sometimes.
I liked Jenna and hated what she was going thru but a part of me feels she acted a bit high schoolish about how she handled it and even a little neglectful on the part of abandoning her daughter to run off to parts unknown and sulk over her problems when she should have put on her big girl panties and faced them head on to begin with. Best friend or not had I seen her kissing my hubby especially in my own home I would of decked her or at the very least stood my ground and started asking questions not run off not truly understanding what was going on but I understand folks do handle things in different ways....
The biggest thing I feel I am taking away from Rock My World is it's never to late to start over, to find yourself, or even to re-create yourself.
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Genre – Contemporary Women’s Fiction
Rating – PG13
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