Simmi Shergill's life is a mess. Her powers of psychic feeling are on the fritz, and Grandon Township's sudden population boom has brought quite a few unsavory characters to town. She also looks like an over-blown balloon in her size 14 pants, but not even starving herself seems to be working as a diet plan. Well, at least her boyfriend, Alex, loves her so much he'd do anything for her. Last summer he even risked his life to protect her from the mysterious boy everyone was convinced wanted to kill her.
The problem is, she's not so sure she feels the same way. Is Alex really the man of her dreams? And why can't she stop fixating on her would-be killer, Dax? Whenever he's around, part of her wants to run screaming in the other direction while the other part longs to run into his embrace, no matter who she'd hurt or what she'd risk.
Simmi's loyalty is on the line. Who will she choose--the blind seer who loves her, or the charming telekinetic with "bad idea" written all over him? Emotions run high as the tension mounts in book two of the Farsighted series.
Guest post - Emlyn Chand - Dax Lafache's Guide to Getting Any Girl You Want
Dear beautiful ladies of the world, please stop reading this post and go take this fun online quiz to find out who your Open Heart boyfriend is (
http://www.emlynchand.com/quiz/boyfriend). My guess is, it’s me, and if that’s the case, leave your phone number in the comments section below ;-)
If you’re a guy, read on. I’m about to drop some knowledge that will change your life...
It’s true: I have money, looks, charm; I can get any girl I want. But did you know that you can, too? Follow this three-step guide to becoming the man your dream girl wants you to be, and you’ll be falling in love in no time.
Step #1—Look the Part. If you expect your girl to prep and preen and take pride in her appearance, you need to do it, too. Put your machismo aside, and go get a manicure. Drink lots of water for skin that glows, and always smell good, always. How about clothes? Well, you want to give off the impression that you have your act together. Start with a solid-colored button-up shirt, roll the sleeves up to the elbows, and leave a few buttons undone. Pair with a dark v-neck undershirt and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. If the weather demands a jacket, go with leather or something else that has a polished edge—like an Armani or Hugo Boss motorcycle jacket. Never wear sports apparel, unless the message you’re trying to send is, “Hey, I have no brain.” Top off your look with something unexpected in the hair department. I wear mine in a faux hawk, because there’s something primal in every girl that craves a bad boy. The faux hawk will give you just enough of that dark sexiness to contrast your high style outfit. The studied contradiction of your appearance will get both sides of her desire purring.
Step#2—Do your Research. Does your girl like the theater? Classic literature? French cuisine? Hey, guess what? So do you. Take the time to learn about these so that when she asks you don’t have to feed her a lie—you really do like these things now, and she’ll appreciate the fact that you have something in common. You also want to find little ways to take something she already loves and make it new and exciting. Her emotional attachment to said thing will then transfer on to you, and if you make it different enough, she won’t even realize that’s what you’re doing. For example, Alex liked to bring Simmi lilies, so to get her attention I started folding origami roses for her. Somewhere in the back of her brain, she made the connection and understood my interest. It helped us to get closer than we might have otherwise gotten—and quicker. This strategy really works, guys. Go ahead, try it.
Step #3—Give her the Fairytale. Girls want to be dazzled, wooed, romanced. They want to feel special, like they have your attention. Take that same tactic from before—find something she already likes and change it up enough to be different but not enough where the transfer effect doesn’t happen. Does she love romantic comedies? Watch a couple of those and just copy whatever the lead actor does to sweep the actress off her feet. You know, the grand romantic gesture he has to make in order to apologize for whatever cruddy thing he did to send her away earlier in the movie? When in doubt, girls love the following: flowers, poetry, dancing, and wordy awkward speeches about how much you like them. If you can find a way to personalize your romantic overtures for your specific love interest, great! If not, don’t worry. Any canned romantic approach with work as long as you keep her so dazzled she doesn’t notice the similarities to her favorite book, movie, or TV show.
So... that’s it. It really is this simple! Don’t waste your time doing a whole bunch of little things for your girl of choice. The big romantic moments are the ones that will sweep her off her feet. Did it work for me? Did I get the girl in the end? Well, read Open Heart to find out for yourself.
Dax Lafache’s unstable telekinetic powers have a tendency to get him in trouble. Not everyone in Grandon trusts him, but he won’t let that stop him from trying to gain acceptance. Dax enjoys the theater, reading classic literature, fashion, and wooing his crush with grand romantic overtures. He’ll get the chance to tell his story in book #5 of the Farsighted series,
Buy Open Heart now at Amazon
Genre - Fantasy / Futuristic & Romance
Rating - PG13
More details about the author & the book
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