To Be a Mother by Emma Robinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Synopsis: What if your only chance to be a mother was to give birth to his first wife’s child?
All I’ve ever wanted is to be a mother. And since I married David, it’s gone from being a dream of mine, to a dream of ours. And I want it for him too – it’s the happy-ever-after he deserves after the tragic loss of his first wife, Katherine.
We have tried and we’ve hoped. But today I’ve just found out it’s impossible. That I’m unable to become a mother. My heart breaking into thousands of pieces, I beg the doctor to tell me there’s another way.
But it’s David who speaks. Telling me that just before Katherine died, she had gone through fertility treatment. Now her eggs legally belong to David. To us.
It could be my only chance to be the mother I’ve always longed to be… But can I really carry his first wife’s baby?
My Thoughts: My first book by Emma Robinson but wow it was so good and I feel like she handled some really sensitive subject matter splendidly! In todays society so many women struggle to have children of their own whether naturally, thru invitro, or even adoption and hence the title "To Be A Mother" comes in with our main character Hannah who desperately wants to have a child with her husband David.
With quite a few jaw dropping moments for me as things progressed and the couple try to decide if using Davids first wife's eggs would be a good fit for them as it seems to be one of their last options when told Hannah's eggs would not work. That in itself made me sit back and ponder if it would be something I would consider myself if in her shoes measuring out the pros and cons of the situation.
I flew thru this! It had some of everything and was really fast paced. It was very easy relating to Hannah and her problems as well as other drama she had to go with it.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing this earc for my honest opinion!
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