Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Reads Giveaway Hop

Hosted by I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Rex Robot Reviews

My Giveaway is International as long as Book Depository will ship to you! Be sure to visit all the stops for more chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. At least 5. If I have more free time I could probably do 20.
    TBR pile - about 5 maybe? My tbr list on Goodreads is a whole other issue however. :P

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. My TBR is almost 200, and I read usually a book or 2 a day, so 9-12 books a week, I have lots of free time, and read fast too.

  3. I read about 12 to 15 books or sometimes 20 if I have more time.

  4. I read about 10-13 books a month, and I have around 7 books on my TBR pile :)

  5. PFF. I must to admit that I'm very slow when I am reading because I loose time on internet doing nothing instead read. For that, I think that I can read one or two books when I don't have vacation (high school steal me much of my free time too), in the vacation, I can read about five or six.

  6. I read about 5 books a month, on my TBR pile I have 10-15 books.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I read between 6-12 books per month. It depends on my schedule & how long the book is. I have about 20-30 books on my TBR list. Not sure how many exactly.

  9. I read at least 5 books per month but I can read 15 books maximum if they were all printed books. I have 45 books on my tbr list and I'm planning on reading them this summer.

  10. Per month? Um, maybe 4 to 5 books. According to Goodreads I have 383 books on my TBR list. Gosh! >,<

  11. Houndreds of them on TBR list :D I read like, 5 books a month. Depends on lenght :)

  12. I read about 4 books a month.

    So many on TBR list it's rather wonderful actually.

  13. I read around 25, I hope in the summer vacation I'll do more :D
    My TBR has around 150 books...

  14. I usually read about 15 to 20 a month. How many do I have on my tbr that's just scary.

  15. I usually read between 6-12 books per month, maybe even less depending on my schedule and the length of the book. I have so many books on my TBR list and I'm trying to go through the list.

  16. I don't know how many I read - it depends on how long they are and if I'm reading for a tour/review or for fun. My TBR list is scarily huge - I have no idea how many are on there!

  17. Sometimes I read as many as 10-15 books but other times I would be in a major reading slump and hardly manage 2-3 books!

  18. My tbr pile currently stands around 250, by the end of the year I estimate that number to be at 290 :-)

  19. I read around 8-12 books per month and more if I have time.I have around 10 books sitting on my shelves from my tbr pile.

  20. I don't have much spare time anymore to read books :( So I usually read around 4/5 books a month. I'd say my TBR pile has 40 books or more.

  21. I'm not really sure how many books I read per month, I guess about 4. I used to do about 8-10 easily, however, that's changed. As for my TBR list, I have over 300 books.

  22. how books I read depends on whether there is a tennis tournament I want to watch but I can easily read 20 books a month, and I have about 9 books in my pile

  23. I read about 30
    books or more a month.TBR pile has a lot of books.

  24. I can read around 10-20 a month. My goodreads TBR list has over 300 books but the actual piles of books I have sitting around my room right now are about 40+

  25. I would say I read about 4-5 books a month--full length novels that is. And my TBR pile is through the roof.

  26. I probably read 10-15 books a month depending on how many pages they have, do they consume me, how much time I have & how sleepy I am add bedtime.
    I have hundreds in my TBR pile - never know what I may feel like reading!

  27. Busy: around 5/6 books.
    Not so busy: up to 15 books :)

  28. a gr8 month; 9 books
    not so gr8' 4/5

  29. 2 0r 3 books a month.
    thanks for the giveaway.

  30. Lately, I read about 5 a month. My TBR pile in my possession has 5 books. My TBR wish list has over 50.
    Tracy A.J.

  31. now, only 1 or 2 because i donjt have time at work to read =(
    in my 20...or more
    thanks for making this international!!

  32. I've been reading 3/4 books per month lately. :( Just not enough time! And my TBR pile has millions!!!

  33. I usually read 6 books per month. And right now there are over 100 e-books and 50 physical copies in my pile. OMG I need to stop buying them...

  34. depending if it's a busy month at school/university or if i'm sick but a minimum of 5 and ususlly perhaps 10

    not sure at all for my TBR pile more than 30 that's sure but i have to wait to read some ( i have entered some challenge so i have some programmed for later)

  35. I read around 5-6 books a month, depends on my other obligations and duties. :) Now, my TBR pile has around 10 paperbacks and God knows how many e-books. :D

  36. During the school year, I'll be lucky to read two books per month but during the summer, I can read 10 to 15 books each month.

  37. I usually read 3 to 4 books a month and my TBR pile has too many to count.

  38. I read about 25-30 books a month. In my TBR pile I have over 2000+

  39. I read about 6 books a month and my TBR pile has like 20 books, but my TBR list is endless!

  40. I usually read 4 books a month and if I get lucky and have alot of spare time on my hand I can read 10 sometimes. I have a lot of books on my tbr pile XD

  41. Usually 10 books a month, it really depends on my free time. My TBR pile is a bit long right now.

  42. sometimes I get through 4 or 5 it depends on how many pages they have. I have too many to count on my TBR list right now.

  43. I read about 10-15 books a month maybe..

    There are about 70 in my TBR pile :( But a lot of them were free Amazon Kindle books that I probably won't get around to for ages!

  44. I have over 200 books in my TBR pile... LOL I usually read at least 3 books a month during my "slow" months and can read up to ten books a month depending on size and how interesting the story is. Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  45. I read 12-15 books a month and have about 75 physical book and over 400 on kindle that are unread.

  46. I probably read about 4 or 6 books per month cause I'm a bit slow. hahah. I have about... 15 books on my TBR pile? lol! If not more "/

  47. I read about 4 books a month and have around 20 on my TBR list

  48. i think i read about 10-15 books a month and i have about 30 books on my tbr list

  49. I read about 5-10 books a month depending on the amount of time I have to read. If I don't have the time to actually read I get the book on cd. My TBR list has hundreds of books. I will probably never get around to reading everything I want to read right now, but I am going to enjoy trying.

  50. If I don't have a heavy workload with school, anywhere from 15-20 books per month. At the moment my TBR is huge!! Of the books on it, I personally own about 75 of them. I plan to make a nice dent by the end of August.

  51. it's about 10 or 12 books of a month.. hmpffth...

    and it's about 80 - 90 books on My TBR... so little time but so much book to read.. =__="

  52. read about 4 books a month along with 3 beta reads, I don't know how many are in my TBR pile. But there are 7 sitting next to me that HAVE to be read next.

  53. I read about 3 - 4 books a month, and I have about 120 or so that I actually own and have yet to read. I have over 200 on my TBR pile on Goodreads! *whew*

  54. I read about 15 books a month or more and have several hundred on my TBR list

  55. Good question! About 10-15 books a month? And I have over a hundred books on my TBR list. :(

  56. I usually read about 10-15 books per month. I have over 800 books on my TBR list on goodreads. Thanks for making me realize that if I don't add another book to my list, it will take me 8 years to read them all. :(

  57. I usually read around 10 books a month and I have about 300 books in my tbr currently.

  58. I usually read at least 25 a month I have 20 in my tbr file right now.

  59. I read about 6 to 8 books a month. My Nook has about 60 books and I have about 10 paperbacks.

  60. I can read about 10- 12 books a month, and I have a huge pile of books on my TBR.

  61. I usually read 2-4 books a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It really just depends on my mood and what's going on in my life.

    As for my TBR pile, it's neverending.

  62. I read between 8-10 books a month and my TBR pile is in the hundreds.

  63. It fluctuates for me depending on the time of year and the types of books I'm reading. If I was to guess an average, I'd say 6-10 books a month. I currently have about a dozen books in my TBR pile just for summer, however, my husband and I have a whole bookshelf of books that we have not one of us or both of us have yet to read.

  64. I try to read 3-5 a month. I have hundreds TBR books!

  65. im not sure how many books i can read, its depend on how long they are or am i busy to read or not. but mostly i can read 4-5 books (>400page) 8-10 books in a month (<200page)

    my TBR list its like a mountain, i dont know what book to start. >.<"

    thanks for the giveaway ^^

  66. i would say 2-4 a month, depending on length and i have approx 100 on the tbr pile ;0

  67. About 10-15 per month and as for the TBR pile, probably 50-80. :)

  68. Usually about 7-10 book on average per month as for my TBR list, at the moment it's about 40 books.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. If its a month I can read a lot (not having exams etc) I usually ready 10-15 books.
    On my TBR list now there are about 55-60 books.
    Thank you for the international giveaway :)

  71. I usually average about 6-8 books a month. My TBR is close to 500 books!

  72. I read 3-4 a month. I have 2 to be read right now.

  73. If I'm not doing anything (school or duty, for example) I could finish 2 books in week so that'll be 8 in a month.
    But if school's out, I could finish 3-5 a month.

  74. 8-10 months in a month. It depends if I am busy at work. Also depending my reading mood. My TBR is over 500 now.

  75. *i mean book... 8-10 books in a month. tee hee.. my concentration is flying. >.<

  76. Hey!

    Well... It depends. I'd say I read about 10 books per month. It can be less or more. And about my TBR pile... Yikes! I don't even know, but I have dozens!

    Thank you for the giveaway!:)

  77. On a good month I can read up to 5-6 books. :]

  78. At the moment it's anywhere between 15, and 20 books per month, but I can't carry on at that pace forever! My tbr list for July still has 29 books on it which I am never gonna get through, and I have 19 already lined up for august. How many books are on my overall to-read list? Not a clue! got about 8000 books on my kindle, and hundreds round and about the house. I really couldn't even hazard a guess at the number, but it's probably really big! My wishlist is a monster too!

  79. I'm reading like 10+ books / month right now...
    My TBR pile is probably like 100 books at least... :S

  80. I usually read 5-6 books a month. I have about 30 books on my TBR list right now. They just seem to stack up on my iPad and sometimes I just wonder how it gets to that point.

  81. I usually read 8-10 books each month and have about 65 in my TBR pile :-(

  82. I usually read around 20 and I have plenty books on my TBR list...:)

  83. I used to read about 6 a month but lately it's down to about 2. So my pile of TBR books is growing...maybe about 40? And my TBR list is crazy - definitely over 100! So many little time!

    Suz Reads

  84. I try to read at least 4 a month. I have about 20 in my pile to read.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  85. I try to read about ten, but lately it seems more like three or four :( As for my TBR pile, um.... let's just say it's over 100 and less than 1000 lol.

  86. I try to read at least three a month. That or five.

    On my TBR? Well, if you count the books in my room, 130 something.
    On goodreads, over 4000. :D

    thank you!

  87. I read about 9-10 books a month. And on my TBR stack, which is more like SHELVES!! I've got about a 100 if not more, I would say. I have an addiction to thrift stores! lol

    Here's the link to my Summer Reads Giveaway:

  88. I read about 5 a month, and on my TBR there are like 160 books! thanks! :)

  89. About 5 per month, but this year I've already read 76 books including short stories. On my Goodreads to-read shelf, I have at least 400!

  90. I read about 7 books on average and my TBR at home has about 60 books whereas on goodreads it's like 200 so far. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  91. I read about one book per week, so about 4 books per month. Sometimes more. My TBR pile on Goodreads is close to 400, if I'm correct, and my physical TBR pile by my bed is roughly 25 to 30 books. Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. I try to at least read 6 to 7 books a month it depends on how the book pulls me in for how fast I read a book. And as for my TBR pile it grows daily thanks to goodreads, but as to how many I have at home I would say at least 30! Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway!

  93. I read 2 books a month (I know, I'm a slow reader...). My TBR pile has more than 100 books but on my shelves I only have 4.

    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  94. I read about 3-4 books per month. My TBR pile is out of control, seriously out of control and I have 2 bookshelves full of books that I need to read :)

  95. I used to read about 8-10 books a month, now i'm lucky if i hit 4... I have got a huge TBR shelf. I have a 6 ft bookshelf almost completely filled with books, that doesn't include what is on my kindle...

  96. About 10 a month.

    My TBR pile is endless. I have literally thousands of books in all formats waiting to be read: Books on my shelf, digital copies, and audiobooks. It's crazy!

  97. About 3 a month. My TBR pile has about 10 in it right now. And my wish list to read pile is endless! lol

  98. 3-5 a month and about 10 in my TBR list right now

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  99. I read about 40 per month (some are novella length) and my TBR pile has about 300 books between paper and e-copies in it.

    Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

  100. I only get to read 10-12 books a month at the most. School eats away a lot of my time! I probably have too many books in my tbr to list!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. I read an average of 6 books in both print and ebook formats, but I do reread my favorite books too.

    On my TBR book pile there are around 12 books that I will get to eventually :)

    Thanks for the chance!

  102. i read 5-6 books a month...

    on my TBR list ? more than 1000 i think *lol*

    thx u so much ^^

  103. i read 10-12 book a month.

    On my TBR book pile about 50.... maybe. LOL!

    Thanks for giveaway!!

  104. I'm a voracious reader! Read 4-6 a week, and have a very small TBR now, only 5 books... :( Thanks for a great giveaway!

  105. I usually read 10-15 books per month. And my TBR shelf is huuugeee!!!

  106. I read about 2-4 books a month and my TBR pile has nearly 20 books on it at the moment.

  107. Usually not more than 5 books a month but when I get obsessed with a book series I read them in no time. Right now I'm on my sixth book for this month. And my TBR pile has 10-15 books.

  108. Let me see, I read maybe about 10 books per month, and my TBR has more than 100 books... and it keeps rising.

  109. Uhm it's really quite random and depends on my mood and schedule LOL. Maybe 1-2 ? Not because I dont like reading or I'm a slow reader, but I like to read in one sitting (or as little as possible) and once I start reading a good one, it's hard to stop for me to do anything else. D:

    And I have a big pile of books left unread omg D:

  110. I probably read about 5 or 6 books a week, which averages out to about 20 or 30 a month. My TBR pile is huge. I love to read!

  111. During the school year, maybe 10 a month. This summer, though, I'm averaging one a day because I pretty much don't sleep :P

  112. The amount I read a month depends on my class schedule. During classes I read maybe 8 a month but on breaks I could read at least 20-25 books a month. My TBR list is in the 100's and getting longer! LOL

  113. I haven't been reading much, so lately just 3 or 4 books a month... But my TBR list is ridiculously huge, I mean more than 200 books easy... I'll never read them all!!! =/

  114. 4 books a month and my TBR pile has 7 books.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  115. I read probably 10-15 No idea on the TBR pile

  116. my TBR : 91 books, and i read about 5 or 6 books a month.
    thanks for the chance ^^

  117. I am not able to enter the Rafflecopter either on Internet Explorer or Google Chrome so I do not know whether I qualify!

    My TBR is generally around the 15 number mark. Thank you for sharing.

  118. I read anywhere from 10-20 books a month depending what type of mood I'm in or how busy I am.
    I have about 30 books in my TBR pile.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  119. I don't read many books a month, maximum 5
    My TBR: more than 100 books

    Olesia Flegka on Rafflecopter

  120. I read about 8-11 books per month

    and I think I have 26 books to read !


  121. I read about 5 a month and there is probably 20 on my TBR pile

  122. I read about 5 books a month I think. I have 97 books in my TBR pile right now.

  123. I read about 10 books a month, but it really depends. My TBR: approx. 50 books :)

    Thanks for the giveaway

  124. I read about 4 to 6 books a month but would love the time to read more! Right now there are about a dozen books TBR on my shelf as we speak! Thanks for the entries :D

  125. I read around 15-20 book per month. Yeah, I'm a huge bookworm! :D On my TBR pile... well, I don't really know. I have my own list in my head and I'm always reading according to my mood :D

  126. 5 to 8 books pur month on average

  127. I read around 12 books a month and I have probably a couple hundred books in my to be read piles or totes.

  128. 10 maybe and TBR is huge by 200+

  129. I maybe read 4 or 5 a month, but it really depends on the month and what else I have going on. I have about 50 books between my bookshelf and my Kindle waiting to be read, plus a wish list with at least another 100 books!

  130. I read a lot of ebooks, usually two to three a week. My tbr pile is pretty big these days. I would say 20 paperbacks and over 100 ebooks.

  131. I can at least read 4 books in a month. and my TBR pile on my shelf almost reaching 100. still I can resist buying books temptation!


  132. I'd say about 10 a month. and At the moment I have about 12 tbr right now :)

  133. Probably 10 to 15 a month. My TBR pile is way over the hundreds.

  134. I read about 10-15 books per month, and my TBR is at about 1000, but I never counted it.

  135. I read around 7-10 books per month and my TBR list (of the books that I have in my possesion right now is 6, book is dont have about 500 or so lol

  136. I read an average of 5-7 a month depending on how busy I am and my TBR pile is about 150.

  137. I probably read about 10-15 on average. My TBR pile right now is at 17 and counting.

  138. I read about 6-10 books a month. I don't count my TBR mountain.

  139. it really depends on how much i have going on that month, but probably somewhere between 5-10. I have no idea how big my tbr pile is because i haven't counted it. I'm a little scared to : )

  140. I read 4-6 books a month and I would have absolutely no clue how many are on my TBR pile, it grows every day!

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  141. I read 8 - 10 books a month and my TBR is around 60? Its gonna take me a while to read them all :P
    Penny Pe

  142. I try to average around 10 books a month depending on type and TBR is around 25

  143. up to 15 books in a month. And in the TBR like 100 hahaahhhahaha :D

  144. I don't keep count of how many I read per month so it's hard to say. Last month it was like 14 books, but I've only read 1 so far this month. I guess my average would be around 5-10. I read much less while in school; it's usually one book a week.

    I think my TBR pile is nearing 300. I have a lot to catch up on.

  145. I read about 10 to 15 a month and have over 200 in my TBR pile! Thank you for the contest!

  146. I read probably 20 books a month. My to read pile is so ridiculously high, I don't even want to count.

  147. depends on the time of the year. if it's holidays it could be up to a book or two a day, but if it's during school it could be as little as like 5 books a month? and i wouldn't even be able to estimate how many books are in my TBR pile

  148. Probably 20 books per month on average. TBR pile? Just checked--over 1600!

  149. Probably about 10-15 books a month. I have about 1000 in my TBR...LOL! I love tagging books to read!

  150. I probably go through about 15 a month...right now I have about that sitting here from the store/library, plus tons more on a tbr list!

    Christine, isabelli3619 (at) aol (dot) com

  151. I read about 10 books each month on average but closer to 18 in the summer. I have about 200 books betwen paper books and ebooks.

  152. I am so busy, so I only get to read about four to five books a month, and my TBR pile is OUT. OF. CONTROL.
    heatherpooh [hotmail]
