Synopsis: For Carrie, Chris and Cathy the attic was a dark horror that would not leave their minds.
Of course mother had to pretend they didn't exist and grandmother was convinced they had the devil in them.
But that wasn't their fault. Was it?
Cathy knew what to do. She knew it was time to show her mother and grandmother that the pain and terror of the attic could not be forgotten...Show them. Show them -- once and for all.
Review: I read this series as a child and had actually forgotten most of the story except for the first book Flowers in the Attic. I was really excited to find out they had new covers which are gorgeous and that Lifetime Movie Channel is making them into Lifetime movies! Flowers in the Attic came out on Lifetime sometime last year I think. Don't miss Petals on the Wind Monday May 26th at 9pm Eastern Time on Lifetime!
I was really happy for the kids to escape despite the loss of their loved one. Book one was full of anguish and mistreatments and wrong doings for the Dollanganger children whereas in Petals on the Wind it would seem things are looking up for them if only Cathy would let go of some of her resentment and need for revenge.
I felt so bad for the kids in book one but here Cathy pure makes me sick. Her desire for revenge against her mother is holding them all back to a certain extent of taking advantage of the good fortune that has befallen them. Her use of sex to get what she wants is disgusting and I really don't feel much pity or anything for her at this point.
There was also a great deal of death in Petals on the of which I hated so badly. I wasn't really surprised at the way it ended but am anxious to see where it goes from here.
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