Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Book Review - Her Last Flight by Beatriz Williams

Her Last FlightHer Last Flight by Beatriz Williams
Release Date June 30, 2020

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Synopsis: In 1947, photographer and war correspondent Janey Everett arrives at a remote surfing village on the Hawaiian island of Kauai to research a planned biography of forgotten aviation pioneer Sam Mallory, who joined the loyalist forces in the Spanish Civil War and never returned. Obsessed with Sam’s fate, Janey has tracked down Irene Lindquist, the owner of a local island-hopping airline, whom she believes might actually be the legendary Irene Foster, Mallory’s onetime student and flying partner. Foster’s disappearance during a round-the-world flight in 1937 remains one of the world’s greatest unsolved mysteries.

At first, the flinty Mrs. Lindquist denies any connection to Foster. But Janey informs her that the wreck of Sam Mallory’s airplane has recently been discovered in a Spanish desert, and piece by piece, the details of Foster’s extraordinary life emerge: from the beginnings of her flying career in Southern California, to her complicated, passionate relationship with Mallory, to the collapse of her marriage to her aggressive career manager, the publishing scion George Morrow.

As Irene spins her tale to its searing conclusion, Janey’s past gathers its own power. The duel between the two women takes a heart stopping turn. To whom does Mallory rightfully belong? Can we ever come to terms with the loss of those we love, and the lives we might have lived?

My Thoughts: Wow is an understatement to the magnificence of this story! This was so far away from my normal reading genre and I loved it! I didn't have high hopes going in because of this not being my norm but found that I actually enjoyed learning about the planes and flying and it did bring back memories of when I was younger how I used to dream of being in the Air Force so I could jump from planes. I tend of dreaming of things closer to land now a days!

The characters were well chiseled out and I loved how the story kept jumping between the two ladies and their snarkiness and dual timelines. It was put together remarkably and wasn't confusing as I would have thought. I read in awe of the story behind Sam Mallory's life and disappearance and hated for it to come to a close!

A story of love, loss, flight, and so much more!

I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Book Review - Mason's Gray by Geri Goodwin

Mason's GrayMason's Gray by Geri' Goodwin

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Synopsis: Impossible To Resist...
Rock Icon, Brody Mason, steers clear from commitment at all costs. When an unforeseen accident draws him to the new neighbor, Morgan Gray, he finds her impossible to resist. His stubborn attitude and playboy ways will not be enough to keep the barriers from faltering.
Two strangers, two completely different lives meld together. Fate or coincidence? Either way, love found them when they weren't looking for it.

My Thoughts: I can't believe this was a debut! So so good!

A quick, short, and really fun read that I gobbled up in one sitting! I think I really related better to Mason's Gray than a good many other romance stories because the main characters were older folks, empty nesters so to speak, who weren't even really looking for romance but it sort of landed in their laps once their paths crossed.

This story was full of comedy and intimate moments lurking on the pages and was a joy to read with one of my most favorite moments being when Morgan's children came to visit and realized by accident not only was their mother dating but whom it was she had been dating! It was already a fun read but once all the kids, hers and his, were tossed in, it was a whole new kind of fun!

*I was provided a copy for an honest review.

Find Your Copy Here

View all my reviews

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Audio Book Tour - Edgar Audio Book by David Beem

EDGER – audio book 
by David Beem


GENRE: Comedy, Action/Adventure



Meet Edger (Ed-jer), a twenty-six-year-old gadget retail dork destined to become the world’s first superhero! His superpower: the ability to channel the Collective Unconscious, a psychic network connecting the living and the dead. In his arsenal are the skills of Bruce Lee, the strength of Samson, the wisdom of the ages...and the dancing chops of Michael Jackson—including that one twisty foot move, crotch grab, and fedora tilt. But there's a catch... Like every psychic super power to get administered through a hypodermic needle, this one comes with a prick. Someone seems to have misplaced the booster necessary for stabilizing his superpower. Without it, Edger has three days before his brain turns to pudding. Join our Dork of Destiny as he overcomes the world’s greatest butt, two rival Cluck-n-Pray gangs, an evil cow, a Green Bay Defensive Tackle, rifle-toting assassins—and a pair of stoners who inadvertently create the world’s first supervillain after a wild night on Twitter!



Water and glass shower the dance floor. Needle scratches vinyl. Hattori Hanzo seizes control of my body and I land with the grace of a ninja. Mary, who has no dead ninja in her head, thuds with the grace of a turkey carcass dropped from the Level Two parapet of Westfield Horton Plaza.

“Kill them!” someone yells.

“Don’t kill them!” I yell back, figuring that’s got to be worth a try.

Panic ensues. Screaming people run and duck for cover. Shots are fired. A bullet ricochets off a larger-than-life phosphorescent wallpaper image of Caleb’s crotch. I seize control of my body from Hanzo, grab Mary, and drag her behind a nearby couch.

More gunfire.

I chance a peek. Real life Caleb Montana is near the front door, exchanging shots with two Nostradamus agents behind a life-sized statue of Caleb in his quarterback uniform, one arm cocked back preparing to pass the football, and the other stretched out in front, pointing.

I round on Mary, who flings her wet hair back like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. Water sprays my visor.

“Cut me loose.”

“Right, right,” I say, feeling around on my utility belt. Jeez, I’ve never tried to locate anything without someone helping me from the Collective Unconscious. There are a lot of things here. I pull a tiny ball out—it grows into a switchblade-shaped object. Seems promising. I flick it on. Blue flame blows out from the end.

“Holy crap!”

“Come on, quit fooling round.”

“Don’t rush me! Do you have any idea how stressful this is?”

“Come on,” she says, her voice husky.

“There’s like, fifty thousand things on this belt, and they all look the same.”

“Just calm down.”

“You never see Batman having this problem is all I’m saying.”


 From The Author: 

Books that Start with a Bang!
By David Beem

The Cow in the Porn Store. The Russian Hooker. Mission Unfathomable. These are three prologue titles pulled from my action comedy trilogy, Edger, Edger Lives, and Edger Forever.
Have I got a thing for crude humor? No, not especially. You could say I’ve got a thing for arresting beginnings. Things memorable. Things with implicit questions.
Why is there a cow in a porn store?
Who is the Russian hooker?
What is the unfathomable mission?
Good writing is built on suspense, and suspense is built on implicit questions. (And, conveniently for the writer, implicit questions also have a way of getting pages turned.)
Edger begins with the curious presence of a cow grazing in the middle of the El Cerrito Adult Emporium. What it’s doing there is the question, but the scene also poses other implicit questions. There’s the man in diving flippers crashing over the lingerie rack in Aisle Two before firing a dart into the cow’s butt… There’s the thief in Aisle Ten getting away with a blowup sex doll… There’s the terrified owner of the store second-guessing his decision to stock those DVDs titled: Graze Anatomy, Bovine Beauties, and I Think I’m in Love with Moo…
Of course, how these elements tie together (and how they supply the book’s through line) is the reason we read. Arresting openers must arrest, after all. Rope readers in from wherever they are, whatever they’ve been doing, and pause their lives long enough to figure out just a little bit more of what’s going on in your story. Oftentimes this means thwarting expectations. The Cow in the Porn store is a reworking of the classic “wrong place, wrong time” trope. In Edger Forever, readers will recognize the classic Mission Impossible “dangling on a wire in a vault” trope—but the thwarted expectations are found in the who. (Two stoners “as fully baked as a golden baklava placed on the center rack at 350 degrees for forty to forty-five minutes.” What are they doing there? What are the stealing? Why are they stealing it?)
There a zillion ways to write great, arresting openers. What are some of your all-time favorites? Are you an author? What tips do you have for other authors? Sound off in the comments below!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

David Beem loves superhero movies, taekwondo, and flossing. He lives in Djibouti with his family and crippling self-doubt. To help actualize David’s inner confidence, visit his website and buy all the stuff: www.davidbeem.com

Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/David-Beem/e/B005M4NEYI/


David Beem will be awarding a $10 Amazon or BN GC to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Book Review - Take me With You by Tara Altebrando

Releases June 23, 2020

Synopsis: Eden, Eli, Marwan, and Ilanka barely know each other beyond having a class or two together. But when they are all summoned via messaging app to an empty classroom after school, they find a small cube sitting on a desk. Its sides light up with rules for them:

Do not tell anyone about the device. Never leave the device unattended.
And then, Take me with you . . . or else.

At first they think it's some kind of prank or a social experiment orchestrated by the school administration. Still, they follow its instructions until the newly-formed group starts to splinter. Nobody has time for these games--their lives are complicated enough. But the device seems increasingly invested in the private details of their lives. And disobeying its rules has scary--even life-threatening--consequences . . .

My Thoughts: I had such high hopes for Take Me With You but it fell way flat. I'm filled with disappointment because the story had such promise and was a very intriguing concept for a story but it just didn't deliver. The characters were okay but I wasn't really all that invested even in them enough to really care especially halfway into the book and nothing really was happening. I take that back the beginning was a bit creepy with the four kids getting called into the music room and the discovery and taking of the cube and when they began realizing how they had to follow the "cubes" set of rules but after that I just lost interest.

I don't know if the author just tried to jam to much into one book or what but I felt none of the things really tied together and that ending was plain rushed and interestingly a big disappointment.

*I was given a copy for an honest review.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Book Tour/Giveaway - Plague Arcanist by Shami Stovall

Plague Arcanist
by Shami Stovall


GENRE: YA Fantasy



Deserts. Rogues. A secret hidden in an underground maze.

Every moment counts as Volke Savan races south to the city of New Norra. His goal: find Theasin Venrover, the famous artificer who may have a cure for the arcane plague. Separated from most of the Frith Guild—and even his sister—Volke must rely on the crew of the airship, the Sun Chaser, to help him find Theasin in time.

To complicate matters, the desert city of New Norra is steeped in mystery, and the massive maze under the streets could potentially solve all of Volke’s problems. With hunters after him, and dread pirates in the port, Volke finds himself forced to choose between equally terrible options…

Continue the Frith Chronicles with the fourth book, Plague Arcanist!

Praise for the Frith Chronicles!

“Perfect for those who enjoy the Codex Alera series, the Homas Wildus series and the Harry Potter series. Stovall is quickly becoming a name I look for."
- Seattle Book Review (for Knightmare Arcanist, Book I)

“Dread Pirate Arcanist is a brilliant novel from start to finish.”
– Coffee Pot Book Club (for Dread Pirate Arcanist, Book II)

“Marvelously entertaining!”
- The Prairies Book Review (for Coliseum Arcanist, Book III)



I had never seen an airship up close before.

Even in the dying darkness of dawn, this airship—the Sun Chaser—was everything I had imagined and more. It had the appearance of a sailing ship, specifically a brig. Brig ships prioritized maneuverability, and while they were large, they were also long and sleek. Typically, brigs had two square masts to hold the sails, but this ship was different. Sixteen sails were positioned on the sides of the ship, jutting out like fins.

Winds whipped through the woodland trees, rustling the leaves.

The Sun Chaser flew at a slow pace, descending lower and lower, arriving with the first light of day. The oak wood used in the airship’s construction shone with an amber brown. While sailing ships were often damaged by shipworms—sea water parasites—the Sun Chaser had no rot or damage. It was more beautiful up close than from afar.

I waited for the Sun Chaser at the edge of the royal hunting grounds, just outside of the Thronehold castle. Chaos still reigned supreme inside the city as everyone scrambled to deal with the aftermath of the queen’s assassination.

The Frith Guild would help with the fallout. Master Zelfree, Hexa, Zaxis, Atty, Gillie, Guildmaster Eventide—even my adopted sister, Illia—they would all do what needed to be done, no doubt in my mind.

After a deep breath to calm myself, I removed my guild pendant and dropped it in the grass. I wasn’t one of them anymore.

I had been infected.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Shami Stovall is a multi-award-winning author of fantasy and science fiction, with several best-selling novels under her belt. Before that, she taught history and criminal law at the college level, and loved every second. When she’s not reading fascinating articles and books about ancient China or the Byzantine Empire, Stovall can be found playing way too many video games, especially RPGs and tactics simulators.

If you would like to find a full list of her novels and audiobooks, you can do so here: https://www.amazon.com/Shami-Stovall/e/B07KXXPJ74%3F

If you want to contact her, you can do so at the following locations:

Website: https://sastovallauthor.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameOverStation/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SAStovall/
Email: s.adelle.s@gmail.com

Amazon buy link: https://www.amazon.com/Plague-Arcanist-Frith-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B085DT4YWC



Shami Stovall will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Please use this rafflecopter code on your post:

Blog Tour - Tea By The Sea by Donna Hemans

TeabytheSea Cover.jpgTea by the Sea
Winner of the Lignum Vitae Una Marson Award for Adult Literature

From Brooklyn to the island of Jamaica, Tea by the Sea traces a mother’s circuitous route to finding the daughter taken from her at birth.

A seventeen-year-old taken from her mother at birth, an Episcopal priest with a daughter whose face he cannot bear to see, a mother weary of searching for her lost child: Tea by the Sea is their story—that of a family uniting and unraveling. To find the daughter taken from her, Plum Valentine must find the child’s father who walked out of a hospital with the day-old baby girl without explanation. Seventeen years later, weary of her unfruitful search, Plum sees an article in a community newspaper with a photo of the man for whom she has spent half her life searching. He has become an Episcopal priest. Her plan: confront him and walk away with the daughter he took from her. From Brooklyn to the island of Jamaica, Tea by the Sea traces Plum’s circuitous route to finding her daughter and how Plum’s and the priest’s love came apart.


What Plum thought in that moment was not how Lenworth and Pauline  would deal with the child’s outburst—dismissal from the table? A stern talking to?—but how Lenworth had wiped away her life. She was no more than the  scribbles on a chalkboard, removed with a single downward swipe leaving only  tiny particles swirling in the air,landing indiscriminately on everything within  reach. Had he looked at her that night in the hospital—still fatigued from labor,  drowsy from medication—and seen a dying woman or a woman struggling to  live? And she had struggled. And she had lived, pushed and pulled and willed  herself to climb from the weakness pulling her under, struggled until she regained  the normal rhythm of breathing, and came out on top. She had lived to hold the  baby she wanted to call Marissa, had lived to look up at him and smile,  triumphant. 

Her smile hadn’t mattered. 

He declared her dead and walked away with her child.

Advance Praise

"Tea by the Sea is a well-written novel exploring the themes of agency, love, and loss. The reverberations of Lenworth’s decision will be fodder for a great book-group discussion."—Booklist

"Tea By the Sea is a powder keg of a novel, where secrets and lies explode into truth and consequences, all told with spellbinding, shattering power. Hemans doesn't just fulfill the promise of her debut—she soars past it."—Marlon James, Man Booker Prize Winning author of Black Leopard, Red Wolf.

"The forbidden love story of Plum and Lenworth comes alive in this heart-rending novel, Tea by the Sea. Hemans has a stunning ability to give words to that elusive feeling of emptiness, and the longing for redemption is palpable. In Hemans’s deft hands, regrets are explored with precision and compassion so that the reader finds herself unable to turn against even characters who have committed the most wretched betrayals. Tea by the Sea is like the story told in a grandmother’s kitchen with the odors of fried dumplings and saltfish wafting into mouths that are set agape at the heady twists and turns delivered in an urgent and beautiful prose.” —Lauren Francis-Sharma, author of ’Til the Well Runs Dry

“Tea by the Sea is an insightful and illuminating prism of a novel, deftly examining familial identity and personal transformation. Hemans turns the kaleidoscope, catching light at different angles, to show us how one person’s act of honor and responsibility can also be an act of unspeakable betrayal.” —Carolyn Parkhurst, author of The Dogs of Babel and Harmony

Purchase Links:
 Red Hen Press, IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, Amazon

About the Author:
Jamaican-born Donna Hemans is the author of the novel River Woman, winner of the 2003-4 Towson University Prize for Literature. Tea by the Sea, for which she won the Lignum Vitae Una Marson Award for Adult Literature, is her second novel.

Her short fiction has appeared in Vol. 1 Brooklyn, The Caribbean Writer, Crab Orchard Review, Witness, and the anthology Stories from Blue Latitudes: Caribbean Women Writers at Home and Abroad, among others. She received her undergraduate degree from Fordham University and an MFA from American University. She lives in Maryland, and is also the owner of DC Writers Room, a co-working studio for writers based in Washington, D.C.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Book Tour - Die A Yellow Ribbon by Teresa Trent

Die a Yellow Ribbon (Pecan Bayou Mystery)
by Teresa Trent

About Die A Yellow Ribbon

Die a Yellow Ribbon (Pecan Bayou Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
9th in Series
Independently Published (April 23, 2020)
Number of Pages: 185
Digital ASIN: B087N2X68V
GoodReads Link Coming Soon

Betsy Fitzpatrick, a local helpful hints columnist, feels she has found her own personal guru after reading a book on organizing. Her beloved town of Pecan Bayou is competing in the Annual Golden Pecan Treasure Hunt in the suffocating heat of a Texas summer. The prize is a cruise out of Galveston, and Betsy's husband Leo is looking forward to a little alone time with his wife, if they can only win it.

After a curious accident and an unsolved murder, Betsy finds it takes more than a precision sock drawer to spark her joy. No matter how neat and organized it might be, murder is always messy.

Die a Yellow Ribbon features the cast of loveable characters from Pecan Bayou including Ruby Green from The Best Little Hairhouse in Texas, Mrs. Thatcher the dispatcher, and Lester Jibbets the port-a-potty king. Come along and follow the clues to find the Golden Pecan.

Recipes and helpful hints included!

About Teresa Trent

This is Teresa Trent's ninth book in the Pecan Bayou Series that takes place in everyone's favorite little town in Texas. Teresa writes the Pecan Bayou and Piney Woods series, but Pecan Bayou has always been a favorite place to call home for her. Teresa lives in Houston, Texas with her family. You can find out more about her and her work on her blog at https://teresatrent.blog or her website at https://teresatrent.com .

Author Links

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ttrent_cozymys

BLOG: https://teresatrent.blog/

WEBSITE: http://teresatrent.com

GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5219581.Teresa_Trent

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/teresatrent_cozymys/

LINKED IN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresa-trent-11a9b112b/



June 15 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

June 15 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 15 – Christy's Cozy Corners - SPOTLIGHT

June 16 – Baroness' Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT

June 16 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW


June 16 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT

June 17 – Thoughts in Progress – CHARACTER GUEST POST

June 17 – Gimme The Scoop Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 17 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

June 17 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews - SPOTLIGHT

June 18 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 18 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

June 18 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – GUEST POST

June 19 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 19 – eBook Addicts – SPOTLIGHT

June 19 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

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Monday, June 15, 2020

Book Tour/Giveaway - For This Knight Only by Barbara Bettis

For This Knight Only
by Barbara Bettis


GENRE: Historical Romance



He’ll do anything for land, even marry her; she’ll do anything for her people, except marry him. If only either had a choice. It’s a marriage only love can save.

Sir Roark will do anything to gain land, even beguile an unwilling lady into marriage. He knows she’s much better off with a man to take control of her besieged castle, to say nothing of her desirable person. But it isn’t long before he discovers that, although her eyes sparkle like sunlight on sea waves, her stubbornness alone could have defeated Saladin.

Lady Alyss is determined to hold her family’s castle, protect her people, and preserve her freedom— until her brother’s dying wish binds her to a stranger. Still, she’ll allow no rugged, over-confident, appealing knight to usurp her authority, even if she must wed him. Especially since he thinks a lady’s duties begin and end with directing servants. Alyss has a few surprises for her new all-too-tempting lord.

But when a common enemy threatens everything, Roark and Alyss face a startling revelation. Without love, neither land nor freedom matters.



The kiss had been a damned mistake. Roark had meant it as a statement of possession. But her softness hit him like a mace. When he inhaled the rich fragrance of spice and roses and woman, his intent changed. He hauled her closer, slanted his mouth, stroked his tongue along the seam of her lips. At her whimper, a flicker of guilt undercut Roark’s stirring of desire. He ought not do this to the lady. He ought to gather his belongings and be on his way.

But the memory of the recent messenger lingered. That one portended nothing good. If Roark gave in to his inconveniently awakening conscience, by tomorrow night Chauvere, its people, and its lady would be the property of the neighboring lord. Of that, Roark was certain. So the way he saw it, either Lady Alyss married him or she’d be forced to accept someone else. And if Windom’s representative was any indication of his master, she’d not like that alternative.

What would it take to persuade her? A sudden pain burst between his legs, and he gasped, eyes blurry. The little hell-cat kneed him. Even though chain mail deflected some of the impact, he used every bit of his willpower to remain standing.

Apparently persuasion took more than a kiss.


From The Author:

Research—Essential to the Story
Thank you for having me here. I’m excited to feature For This Knight Only today, giving me something of a break from researching my WIP.

Researching is one of my favorite things. If I’m not careful, I can spend way too much time gathering facts and data—fascinating pieces of information and specific incidents that can lead into long digressions and many ideas for new stories. Discovering something unusual is very exciting.

I must admit, my preferred research sources are books. Undoubtedly because in my college days, that’s how we did research.  I still like my desk (or the floor) stacked with volumes which sprout various colored sticky notes marking important passages. I’ve driven many miles to consult library collections, particularly when researching the medieval topics.

Finally, however, I’m coming around to online searching, especially now that so many very old documents, papers, collections, and the like have made their way to the Internet. It’s quite exciting to see copies of original tax rolls or religious writings.

I’ve also found that many secondary online sources have wonderful bibliographies—which usually lead me back to books. LOL.

Being accurate in very old historical material, as in Middle Ages, often is difficult but to me, important. I find myself using rules I learned from my journalism experience—verify sources. That is, find the same information in two different, reliable sources before I use it. (Journalism says three, but I’ve settled for two.) Dates of things that happened 800 or so years ago can be hard to pin down unless they’re very well know historical events.

During the Middle Ages, the Julian Calendar was in use—the Gregorian Calendar was introduced in 1582, although it took almost 300 years for all countries to finally adopt it. So, that can make establishing timelines in the late 12th Century a little tricky.  For instance, unless a document specifies, we don’t always know what day of the week a particular date fell on.  (Was January 28 a Monday or Thursday or…?)

What I found extremely helpful in researching Roark and Alyss’s story were day-to-day itineraries written by priests for both Richard 1 (the Lionheart) and, later, his brother, King John. 

So you can see that good, solid research is challenging but also exciting and rewarding.  And for me, at least, an essential component of my books. Happy Reading.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

BUY LINKS: AMAZON: https://amzn.to/2Xlzynj


Award-winning author Barbara Bettis has always loved history and English. As a college freshman, she considered becoming an archeologist until she realized there likely would be bugs and snakes involved. And math. Through careers as a newspaper reporter and editor, then a college journalism and English professor, she’s retained her fascination with history. Give her a research book and a pot of tea, and she’s happy for hours. But what really makes her smile is working on a new story. Now retired, she lives in Missouri where she edits for others and spins her own tales of heroines to die for—and heroes to live for.

Find Barbara Here:

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/barbara-bettis
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/barbarabettis Facebook: .http://www.facebook.com/BarbaraBettisAuthor
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BarbaraBettisAuthor
Website / Blog / Newletter: http://barbarabettis.com



Barbara Bettis will be awarding $25 Amazon/BN to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.