Monday, December 30, 2019

Book Blitz/Giveaway - Rose: A Standalone Paranormal Reverse Harem by Jewels Arthur

Arthur is available now and that I get to share the news!
If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by
Author Jewels Arthur, be sure to check out all the details below.
This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $15 Amazon
Gift Card, International, courtesy of Jewels and Rockstar Book Tours. So if
you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this

About the Book: 
ROMANCE (Jewels Cafe #12)
Author: Jewels Arthur
Pub. Date: December 30, 2019
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 156
Find it: GoodreadsAmazon

Meet Rosalie, or Rose for short, she is a gorgeous plus sized
heroine who is about to get mixed up in a whole 'nother world!

Rose has a night job at a bar in Silver Springs called Vee. She
loves it because it gives her freedom, free drinks every night, and she gets to
spend time with the 3 oh so sexy owners of the bar.

What Rose doesn't know is that these guys have a dark and
dangerous secret and the bar she works at isn't quite what it seems.

Rose's attraction to these guys is strong but she thinks she has
no chance. The guys are drawn to Rose but they know they could never date a
human. Insert one magical PSL then Rose's world is flipped upside down.

Rose is a standalone reverse harem romance.
“Good evening, Rosalie.” I
hear the silky smooth voice before I see him, and I can already feel the
butterflies in my stomach—Finn.
“Hey, Finn. How are you?” I
reply in what I hope is a sultry voice. I normally just end up sounding
nasally, and I know my cheeks are probably reddening. Just being around him and
his brothers makes me lose any confidence I have.
“Living the life,” Finn
answers with a chuckle, as he leans across the bar toward me, his hand inches
from mine. “You look beautiful tonight. Anyone special coming in?” I hear a
note of jealousy in his tone, but shrug it off as my imagination. I’ve made it
clear that I think he’s hot, so if he’s interested he would have made his move
by now.
“Everyone that comes in is
special, silly,” I respond with a laugh. “I just wanted to dress up tonight.
Sometimes it’s fun to get all cute, even if you’re just going to work.”
“I don’t think you need to
get so dressed up to tempt the men here.” His words and the smile that graces
his face make my cheeks burn, and I tilt my head forward to cover my
embarrassment with my hair, using the opportunity to clean the bar top with a
“Are you swooning over our
beautiful bartender, Finn?”
I bite my lip as I take in
Dean, who’s approaching from the back. I scan his body, barely suppressing the
moan it evokes from me. He’s wearing dark jeans that are tight in all the right
places, paired with a slightly tight black band t-shirt, making him completely
droolworthy. He catches me staring and clears his throat with a chuckle. “You
look gorgeous, Rose. Why are you wasting your time with my pitiful brother?”
“Uh, hi, D-Dean,” I stammer,
dropping the rag to the floor. I take a step back, planning to pick it up,
causing my heel to catch on the stone tile floor and snap. I squeak loudly as I
fall backward, straight onto my bottom, sending shooting pains up my back. “Son
of a bitch!” I groan, looking up to see Dean staring at me in surprise.
“Rose! Are you okay?” Dean
crouches down and puts his hand on my shoulder.
Tears burn my eyes as I use
all my willpower to suck them back into my skull. I can already feel that my
ass is going to be bruised, as well as my ego. “Yes, I’m fine. Just bruised and
embarrassed,” I say as I stand up. I’m immediately lopsided due to my broken
heel, and groan at the thought of working barefoot all night.
“Well, that’s broken,” Finn
notes, as he bends over to pick up the heel of my shoe.
“I know. Fuck, these are
new,” I mutter under my breath.
Dean sets me on a barstool
and begins taking off my shoes. I immediately feel goosebumps erupt on my skin
as I look down at the way too sexy man. “Uh, thanks,” I murmur, summoning a
smile to his face. I feel my cheeks heat with a blush at my reaction to him and
the knowledge that I’m not hiding it very well.
Dean looks back at his
brother as he sets the broken shoe on the floor.
 “Finn, can you get those black flip-flops
upstairs?” he asks his brother, then turns back to face me. “You’re a what?
Eight? Eight and a half?”
I squint my eyes at him and
slowly reply, “Yes, I’m an eight. How would you know that?”
“Lucky guess,” he answers,
just as Finn reappears at the door. He tosses the flip-flops to Dean who slips
them onto my feet before helping me back onto the ground. “There you go.
Perfect, although it was nicer when we were closer in height.” His laughter
causes butterflies to fly in my stomach again and it feels as if they are
permanently there. I try to push why he would just happen to have women’s
flip-flops in their apartment out of my mind, concentrating on what his
proximity is doing to my body.
I open my lips, ready to say
something, something cute or sexy I hope, but I’m cut off when he places a
finger on my chin and smiles just before he steps away. It feels as if the
breath rushes from my body in a whoosh when he’s no longer so close to me.
Relief and sadness overwhelm me. They are so fucking hot. Like, unfairly hot.

About Jewels:

Jewels Arthur has lived
in Central Illinois her entire life, she is a small town girl at heart and is
terrified of city life. She grew up on a farm with 27 barn cats, video games,
movies, and books to keep her company. She is obsessed with romance and swoon.
As a hopeless romantic she wants everyone around her to be in love and wants to
read about love all the time. She got married at 19 (suprise suprise) and she
had a beautiful baby girl 3 years later when she finished college. Her
obsession with love led her to decide that she needed to write her own swoony
books, with a bit of dirty of course ;)


winner will win a $15 Amazon Gift Card, INTERNATIONAL.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Book Review Deja Vu at the Blue Diamond Saloon by Kathy Holmes

Deja Vu at the Blue Diamond Saloon

Kathy Holmes

* Psychological Suspense *

Title: Phantom Audition

Author: Simon Dillon

Publisher: Dragon Soul Press

Pages: 300

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Nikki Durrance escaped the worst nightmare of her life when she fled
Las Vegas for San Francisco, leaving her abusive husband Jeff behind at
the Blue Diamond Saloon. Rebuilding her life in San Francisco with the
help of her closest friend Sally, Nikki draws the line with one thing:
men. But when she accompanies Sally on a business trip back in Las
Vegas, Nikki meets Dr. Mike Fischer, a sexy and desirable pediatrician
also from San Francisco.

After a whirlwind courtship followed by a proposal, Nikki panics and
jumps on the nearest cruise ship to Mexico. Realizing she must face her
fears rather than run from them, she returns home and accepts Mike’s
proposal. Life picks up even more speed with Mike’s plans and Nikki
panics once again, imagining that everything Mike does mirrors her
ex-husband Jeff. Attempting to sort out what’s real and what’s not,
Nikki begins to question everything, including her sanity when
everything with Mike feels like déjà vu.

My Thoughts: A quick wicked read! I loved the short chapters and the writing flowed so smoothly I almost read it in one sitting.  A perfect read for anybody who enjoys a good thriller!

*I received a free copy of this story in exchange for an honest review.


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 Barnes & Noble →





Chapter 1
Everything in Vegas Looks Better at Night

The dusty, thirsty, lifeless terrain transforms into an Alice in Twinkle land and the neon electrifies the Las Vegas Strip. The barren stretches of nothingness surrounding the valley of so-called normal life vanishes from view. But nothing is normal in a place where gambling is invasive—it’s in the grocery stores, it’s in McDonald’s, it’s in every neighborhood corner where a neon sign flashes “gambling and cocktails.”

Leo the grocer startled me when he appeared at the front door of our Las Vegas house—the one we’d dreamed of when we were squished into a tiny one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco. But that house felt like a prison with its tomb-like shades covering the windows to prevent the harsh, desert sun from scorching the inside of the house.

 When I ran downstairs to open the front door, he handed me a package of ice. Because this is how Vegas works—when you check out at the grocery store, the clerk asks if you need ice, and if you’re lucky, they’ll deliver it to you on short notice. It would be such a shame if you had the sudden urge to make a martini and be out of ice. Especially if you had a surprise guest like I did that hot August night.

I felt Jeff’s breath on my neck, the belt buckle he wore when he played Texas Hold ‘Em pushing against me, and so I pulled away and asked, “What’s the ice for?”

“Drinks with Gabrielle,” he said.


“Yes, she’s over there.” I looked in the direction he was pointing, as Leo drove off and a woman wearing a black leather mini-skirt and tank-top stepped out of a taxi. Wearing stilettos, she posed in such a way that time stood still, portraying an air of confidence. Stunned that he knew the half-sister I had never met; I drank in the details of her appearance. She looked nothing like she did in the picture she’d sent me–brunette with medium-length hair. Now she had pure white spiked hair, the exact color Jeff described when he insisted I bleach my almost black hair.

She approached our front door and said, “You’ve lost weight.” I’ve lost weight? What did she know about me? I’d planned on sending her my photo, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

Jeff stepped forward, “Please, come in, make yourself at home.”

I fingered my wind-blown hair and glanced at my unkempt clothes. This was not how I’d imagined I’d be dressed when I met Gabrielle for the first time. My enormous closet in the master bathroom, part of an even larger master suite, full of clothes for every occasion—for golf, tennis, or evening wear at some elegant function on the Strip. Because if there was one thing true about my husband was that he loved to impress others with a well-dressed wife.

Jeff led us into the living room, moved the cat off the couch and said, “Please, sit here” to Gabrielle but then turned to me, “Shouldn’t you be getting dressed?”

I didn’t wait around long enough to see if Gabrielle sat down or not, but I heard soft laughter and ice tinkling from the kitchen. Jeff must be making his special cocktail—what he called a French Martini joking that he named it after me. Pineapple juice, vodka, Chambord, and Vermouth—” What’s so French about that?” I had asked. “Well, you are French, right?” he said, and then he threw his head back and laughed in a maniacal way, as if he knew a secret I did not know.

Uneasiness swept over me leaving Jeff and Gabrielle alone downstairs in my kitchen—the kitchen I took pride in. It was a luxury to finally own such a beautiful, brand-new home and I considered that room to be my private haven. It was where I stood each morning when I gazed at the backyard, lit with the morning desert sun, recalling a similar backyard in my California childhood.

I hurriedly dressed in a pair of black slacks and my favorite black pumps I’d found on sale at the Outlet Mall on Las Vegas Boulevard. I rummaged through the dresser drawers searching for a particular red shirt—because from the way my husband was leering at Gabrielle, I knew it was important I dress my best.

Unable to find it, I put on a black one instead, and grabbed a matching black purse. On my way downstairs I passed my upstairs office where I indulged myself in working on my latest manuscript. The words often failed me then, but when I awoke in the middle of the night to an empty bedroom, I could sit in my office and the lights of South Point Casino calmed me, reassured me. I then wrote until the sun began to peek over the mountains of Henderson in the east in that special hour where the daylight meets the neon. I jumped into bed before Jeff returned from an all-night poker game.

When I’d made my way to the living room, Jeff handed me a drink and the three of us sat down—Jeff in his leather recliner and Gabrielle in the chair next to him—the one I considered my own. I moved our cat, Sam, the name Jeff had insisted on even though he was not a cat lover. I sat down on the couch closest to Jeff as if I was competing with Gabrielle for his attention.

After a quick drink and a brief chat, Jeff suggested we all go to the Blue Diamond Saloon. “They have the best buffet,” Jeff said.

No, it wasn’t the fanciest place, like those casinos on the Strip, but it was a local hangout like so many in Vegas that served food, drinks, and of course, the ubiquitous gambling. Actually, it was a bit of a dive, but it was within walking distance from our home, and Jeff particularly enjoyed the poker games there.

Jeff said, “You two go on—I’ll catch up” so Gabrielle and I started walking toward The Blue Diamond Saloon.

Jeff caught up with us, and once we arrived, he sauntered inside as if he owned the place. When I tried to follow him, Gabrielle’s demeanor changed and she gave me a look that said, “You’re so gauche” (after all, according to the emails we’d exchanged, she'd lived in Paris) and she’d indicated she’d expected me to have done the same—with a French name like Nicole and all. But ever since she discovered I hadn’t lived in Paris, she seemed to be slightly disappointed in me. I’d hoped, perhaps, that living in Las Vegas, the “entertainment capital of the world,” would give me some caché, but this was something she dismissed—as if I hadn’t quite mastered being here.

The doorman must have felt the same way, because he refused me admission. This was too weird to even be polite, so I left, and headed for home, stopping by the shop around the front of the club. But all the red shirts cost more than I had on me, and I had left my credit cards in my other purse—the red purse.

When I arrived back home, I noticed the laptop sitting on the white wicker table next to a matching rocking chair in the front entry. When I took a closer look, I saw that the browser was open at Jeff’s poker blog—something he rarely updated. After all, I was the online multi-media professional: writer, blogger, and graphic artist. I read the entry there, with a link to a video he’d posted.

The text said, “Don’t watch unless you have the stomach for it.” So, of course, I clicked on the link. And what I saw filled me with fury, disgust, and hate. It was a video of my husband dressed in my missing red blouse and matching red shorts, with my red purse on his arm, prancing around to some seductive music. And in the background, a neon sign flashed, “The Blue Diamond Saloon.”

Early in our relationship he had revealed how he struggled with his weight when he was younger, and so he took pride in being able to wear my size twelve clothes. In spite of what the fashion industry wanted to believe, I was still below the average size fourteen that most U.S. women wore. I worked hard at keeping my weight down.

 But Gabrielle mustn’t be any larger than a size eight, my best guess after viewing Gabrielle wearing nothing but a satin black thong, matching low cut silk black bra, and Jeff’s tie. I recognized it from one of our cruises. She maneuvered a sexy move behind him, danced around him, and smiled into the camera taunting me. A swift kick to my gut told me that today was not the first time they had met.

Then he peered directly into the camera, and snarled, “This is for Sam.” And then right in front of me, in front of the camera, he started making rude fondling movements on Gabrielle’s body while she fondled him in return. I’m a voyeur as much as the next person, but I couldn’t watch anymore. And when I closed the browser window, a message written like a handwritten note said, “RIP, darling,” and then a mock newspaper headline flashed. It said, “Jealous Wife Found Dead at The Blue Diamond Saloon wearing nothing but black pumps.”

Feeling a second swift kick to my gut, I peeked in the closets, the pantry, the cabinets and the rooms upstairs to make sure nobody was in there, waiting for me. Because I was afraid that this time he would make good his idle threats and I’d be dead. Maybe not by his own hands, but I suspected he knew people in low places, and somebody someday would murder me. I’d had enough and I knew that it was up to me to remain alive, to get away before tomorrow arrived.

I may appear stupid for hanging around this long, but I wasn’t about to stay any longer, in case my luck had run out. I was afraid the next death threat, the next slap on the face, the next infidelity would mean the end of me.

At the same time, I asked myself, “Why? What did my husband have against me? What had I done to him?” The years of our marriage punched through my mind like a ticker tape, and then I knew. He had never forgiven me for not loving him as much as I had loved Sam—the one man who’d eluded me. I loved how his name rolled on my tongue—Sam, Sam Sullivan. It played the right notes to my ear like a private dick in some mystery novel. Maybe I had stayed with Jeff for so long out of guilt that somehow I deserved this mistreatment. After all, wasn’t it a sin not to love your husband more than any other man in the world?

So, Jeff taunted me, jealous of any man so much as glanced at me, paying me back by flirting with other women and inviting them to our house. And then later when we broke into the inevitable fight his mustache would curl around his lips, and he’d stare at me, and peer into my soul with those devil-green eyes and say, “I’m the best you’re ever going to have” and somehow I believed him. After all, my own father had rejected me—I couldn’t let the one man who was willing to be with me abandon me, too.

I hung on year after year until I noticed the taunts were getting more serious. And now he had gone too far. He had behaved despicably in front of my half-sister—the one person I wanted to think well of me. And it wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t been drawn into his web, making it worse until that night, after I left The Blue Diamond Saloon and found that message on his laptop.

Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t been spurned forward to race down to The Blue Diamond Saloon to confront them—confront him, for I knew he had set it up—that he had lured her into being on his side. After all, weren’t they both jealous of me—resented me? Gabrielle, when she discovered she wasn’t her darling daddy’s only daughter, and Jeff, well, Jeff, because he couldn’t own me.

But when I got there, all mad as hell, ready to cause a scene, the doorman was off duty. I had no problem entering the place. I was armed with the ammo of my fury, but when I glanced around the room, nothing untoward was occurring anywhere. People were milling around, playing slot machines, eating, drinking. And then my eyes located Jeff and Gabrielle playing a quiet game of video poker, laughing, but looking bored. Maybe their fun had been putting on a show for me. They both glanced up and smiled innocently at me when I stood in front of them, energized by the expression on my face, as if asking for a confrontation.

And that made me even more furious. Gabrielle, I dismissed. But Jeff, oh, Jeff had it coming. I lifted my right hand, pulled back, and with all the fury of the past five cruel, miserable years, I slapped him. I slapped him hard. I slapped him so hard, blood trickled down from his lip—those full luscious lips he took such pride in. He stood up, angry, and slapped me back, “You bitch. You made my lip bleed. You’ll have to pay for that.”

But I’d had enough. I turned around and ran. I ran so fast, not stopping to see if anybody was following me. I ran back to the house, while calling a cab from my cell phone. I threw together a few of my most important items, like my red purse, but it didn’t take long because the only item of importance was me. And five minutes later when the cab arrived, I jumped in, and told the driver to take me to the airport.

“Lady, are you all right?” he asked, dodging the dozen or so Harleys that rumbled past the house. Too bad I didn’t have my own Harley so I might disappear into the desert.

“I am now,” I said as I met the cabbie’s eyes in the rearview mirror as he peeled out, sensing my distress and urgency, as I left my past behind in the dust.

I took the first flight to San Francisco where I had lived before I met Jeff, where I hoped I still had friends. I charged the plane fare to my Visa, although I knew Jeff would be able to trace the charge and know where I had gone. But I wouldn’t worry about that now. It was important to get myself as far away from Vegas, as far away from Jeff, as far away from my past as I could.

I was burned by my past, yet hopeful that I could build a Disney World kind of life for myself. I closed that dark, dreary, scary door, and I made a vow to never open it again. From now on, people would see a strong, confident, happy, positive-thinking woman.

What I didn’t know was that as soon as you make a vow, the world will do everything in its power to tempt you into breaking it.




Kathy Holmes grew up in Southern California near Disneyland and the
beach with a book in one hand and a transistor radio in the other. She
began writing stories about family and wrote her first song with a
childhood friend. They called themselves the “Screamie Birds.”

Books have always spurred her love for travel, especially to places
she’s read about, and location is often a character in her books.

After an exciting career in Silicon Valley, she is now combining her
love for both books and music at Screamie Birds Studios. You can find
out more about her books and music at

Website & Social links



Book Review - Stealing Kisses in the Snow by Jo McNally

It’s Christmas in Rendezvous Falls and love’s waiting to be unwrapped…

Synopsis: Single mom Piper Montgomery’s plate is full. Between her two adorable kids, two jobs and a fixer-upper house, she’s so busy she can hardly see straight. But when rugged biker Logan Taggart strolls into the inn where she’s working, she can’t help but stare. He has bad boy written all over him. And with two kids relying on her, that’s the last thing she needs this Christmas.

Rendezvous Falls is nothing but a pit stop for Logan. Once his grandmother is back on her feet and ready to reclaim the inn, Logan can get back on the road. It’s where he belongs, even if his grandmother’s matchmaking book club try to convince him otherwise. Still, there’s something about beautiful spitfire Piper that makes him wonder if family and forever might just be what he needs after all.

But as the holidays draw ever closer, so do Piper and Logan. Could these polar opposites find that all they want this Christmas is each other?

My Thoughts: This was kinda cute especially the antics of Pipers young daughter. She is a sweetheart and it was so funny when she first meets Logan and tells her mom she has seen a giant!

I loved how Piper and Logan come together but I also enjoy that not everything is perfect and in this story with all the issues and children involved I was thrilled that things moving slowly.

*I was given a free copy for an honest review.


Amazon →

Harlequin →


I write the same kind of romances I like to read – stories about people facing real-life challenges with real-life consequences. The stories are emotional and character-driven.

I live in coastal North Carolina with 100 pounds of dog and 200 pounds of husband – my slice of the bed is very small. When I’m not writing or reading romance novels (or clinging to the edge of the bed…), I can often be found on the back porch sipping wine with friends while listening to great music. If the weather is absolutely perfect, I might join my husband on the golf course, where I always feel far more competitive than my actual skill-level would suggest.

Jo McNally – Writing Stories of Forever Love


Audiobook Review - Spirits of the Western Wild by David Schaub and Roger Vizard

* Spirits of the Western Wild *

* David Schaub & Roger Vizard *

* Adventure/Mystery/Comedy *

Title: Spirits of the Western Wild

Authors: David Schaub & Roger Vizard

Publisher: Independent

Genre: Adventure / Mystery / Comedy

This mystical adventure follows a young
adventure-seeker named Luther McCleron on a westward journey to learn
more about his Grandfather. A series of fateful missteps take Luther far
from his destination to a disheveled little town under the tyranny of a
crooked sheriff named Big Willie. It’s here that Luther comes
face-to-face with the legendary ghost of Monty: a curmudgeonly ghost who
refuses to believe he’s dead. Luther just wants to get back to his
quest, but Monty thwarts his plans by using Luther to take out his
vengeance on Big Willie.

Through a catastrophic string of events, Luther and Monty find
themselves hopelessly entangled in a combative partnership that
escalates to the breaking point. Only by reconciling their differences
are they able to uncover the profound connections that weave their fates

A mysterious book of premonitions, an ominous crow, and ancient
Indian drive the mystical tone of this world; conjuring spiritual forces
to help steer Luther on his journey through this western “twilight

All the loose ends resolve in a satisfying story of redemption,
loyalty and ascension while exploring the mysterious nature of fate and
destiny. Was all of this a coincidence? Or are we guided by ancient
“spirits on the wind” that nudge and steer us along our path to assure
that we arrive safely at our intended destination in the end?

My Thoughts: My husband listened to this with me and we thoroughly enjoyed it! The characters and  sound effects were phenomenal! The story was so entertaining and interesting and just really fun and when I say my husband listened to this with me that's saying something  ALOT because he rarely takes interests in my reading or listening fun. We have very different tastes!

I was also given a free copy of the digital book and was able to follow along with it which was very fun! It has really pretty colorful illustrations in it. I would LOVE to see this picked up and created into a movie or TV show of some kind! 5 out of 5 stars hands down Fun!

*I was given a free copy of the digital book and audio for an honest review.

5 out of 5 stars
 A fantastic and Immersive adventure for everyone. 
What a wonderful audio book and what a
pleasure it was to be on this journey. Not only the adventure was
captivating but also everything around it. The sounds effect and voices
really bring it all together, you almost feel like you are right there
witnessing all this first hand. The production quality is something I
have never heard before. Very well done and I highly recommend it.


Amazon →





It's eerily quiet here, aside from the monotonous sound of a squeaking windmill, long detached from the rusted pump that feeds the wooden water


Dilapidated wooden structures are mixed with colonial Spanish architecture.  Ominous religious relics are awash in the orange glow of twilight -- home of the classic Spaghetti Western.
Jasper leads the way, mumbling nonsensical gibberish to himself.

Luther tags along cautiously -- unaware of a stoic old Indian watching from the shadows of the abandoned post office.

This is Kickapoo -- eyes barely discernible inside the ancient crevices of his face.  From under his poncho, Kickapoo radiates the calm tranquility of an ancient spirit.  All-knowing -- silent and still -- moving only as much as required to breathe.

A small flourish twists overhead -- a remnant of the storm -- and a page from Luther's lost book swirls in and settles at Kickapoo's feet.


Kickapoo gives an appreciative nod skyward.  The plan is unfolding...





David Schaub is a writer and Academy Award ®
nominated Animation Supervisor working in the film industry for more
than 25 years. In 2019 he produced and directed the audio adaptation of
smartphone app for screenwriters ( in 2017.

Schaub received Oscar nomination for animation in Tim Burton’s ALICE
IN WONDERLAND (Disney), along with nominations for BAFTA Award, Saturn
Award and Critic’s Choice Award, and won the Golden Satellite Award for
Best Visual Effects for his team’s work on the film.

HEAD ANIMATION on Sony Picture’s SURFS UP – recognized with two Annie
Awards among its ten nominations including Academy Award nomination and
four Visual Effects Society (VES) award nominations.


EXPEDITION (2019) VR EXPERIENCE. Exploring cinematic potential of
virtual reality.

Website & Social links

Website →

Facebook →

Goodreads →

Roger Vizard is a writer and self-taught
artist. He was accepted into the animation program at Sheridan College
in1987, then worked at Sullivan Bluth Studios in Ireland, then as an
animation apprentice on “WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT” at Richard Williams’
studio in London.  He later became Williams’ assistant animator on

After several years working in Europe at studios like Gerhard Hahn in
Germany and A-films in Denmark, he moved to Los Angeles in 1993 to work
as a story board artist on the first season of Sonic the Hedgehog, then
rolled back into animation again after that.  He successfully made the
transition to from 2D to CGI on “STUART LITTLE 2” in 2001, and since
that time have worked non-stop at animation/VFX studios in Los Angeles.


Website →

Book Tour/Giveaway - Captured By The Viscount by Wareeze Woodson

Captured by the Viscount 
by Wareeze Woodson 
Genre: Historical Romance 

Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing, LLC 
Publication Date: November 27, 2019

Under cover of night and with the best of intentions, Lady Isabel Carlyle breaks into the viscount’s residence to restore his stolen property and retrieve her own. She understood the viscount was out of town for at least a sennight. When she entered the mansion, she never once considered facing a pistol aimed directly at her heart. 

The Viscount Matthew Paul Rutherford has need of a bride before the month’s end. Previously, he had selected two different damsels from the marriage mart—Almack’s. However, both ladies met with a fatal accident before the wedding. Now, presented with an unexpected solution to his problem in the form of the lovely thief, he gives Isabel a choice, marriage or gaol. 

I write historical romance fiction novels set in the 1800s forward with a twist of suspense. All of my characters and stories that are portrayed in my books are fictitious. I am a native of Texas, but I have traveled throughout America and beyond. As a dreamer, I love to visit new places where I can imagine a heroine meeting a hero in a special way. I'm an avid reader of (all sorts) and I love to write.

I married my high school sweat-heart and after having raised three sons and one daughter, our love for each other remains unshaken. Now we enjoy our eight grandchildren. We can send them home, but we're always happy for their return.

Outside of my family activities, I sing with the Silver Belles at my church and hate to miss even one practice. The local chapter of RWA is also at the top of my list of pleasures. It keeps me grounded with craft and connected with other writers.

Most of all, I enjoy going fishing with my husband. Give me a pole and leave me alone to bask in the sun, listening to water gurgle along the riverbanks while allowing my mind to float away to some distant place. Ah! Perfect. 

$15 Amazon 
Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Book Review - A Coldwater Christmas by Delores Fossen

Sometimes a little Christmas magic can rekindle the most unexpected romances…

Synopsis: Sheriff Kace Laramie and his brothers found long-awaited happiness when they moved to Coldwater, Texas, as foster children. But the feel-good story has one bittersweet twist—his brief marriage to local rich girl Jana Parker. When that blew up, Kace vowed never to marry again and has kept Jana mostly off his mind…until she comes back to town, needing his help.

Recently divorced for a second time, Jana just wants to create a good life for her young daughter—and keep her mother from marrying Kace’s gold-digging father. Asking him for help may be wrong given their history. But as the stakes—and their chemistry—make the Christmas season sizzle, Jana knows how much more wrong it would be to let a love this magical slip away again…

My Thoughts:  Isn't that cover beautiful? This was a nice little Christmas holiday read. I loved the nosy town folk...(as usual with living in a small town everybody knows your business) and I enjoyed the mystery behind the mysterious things that were going on and was surprised at who was behind it and all. 

I liked the main characters and could sort of relate to certain aspects of them both on a certain level but I really wasn't into their romance. Don't get me wrong I really really wanted this couple to get back together and felt they were made for each other but the quickness and way it happened in this particular case was just to rushed for me.  Other than that it was quite a cute story.

 *I received a free copy of this story in exchange for an honest review.


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USA Today bestselling author Delores Fossen is a former Air Force officer who’s sold over 100 novels. She’s received the Booksellers’ Best Award for romantic suspense, the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award and was a finalist for the Rita ®. You can contact the author through her webpage at:

Friday, December 20, 2019

Book Review/Giveaway - A Symphony of Starlight by Allison Pang

A Symphony of Starlight

Abby Sinclair

Book Four

Allison Pang

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: 10/8/2019

ISBN: 978-0-9985343-4-3

Number of pages: 304
Word Count: 97k

Cover Artist: Ravven

Tagline: Sometimes you have to go to Hell to give the Devil His due…

Book Description:          

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions . . . and sometimes unicorn puke.

In the span of a few months, mortal TouchStone Abby Sinclair has been trapped in a painting, had her memories stolen, and been Tithed to Hell, killed, and brought back to life by the OtherFolk. Now she’s pregnant and torn between her incubus lover, Brystion, and her elven king of a husband, Talivar. Otherworldly love triangles notwithstanding, she’s more than content to set the political drama of magic and mayhem aside and quietly settle into motherhood. But nothing is ever that easy . . .

Years ago, Abby’s best friend, Melanie St. James, virtuoso violinist and DoorMaker to the CrossRoads, lost her soul to the Devil in return for an enchanted violin. Now the magic of her violin is fading, and the Devil is calling in her debt to serve Him as His TouchStone. In an effort to escape the terms of this reckless bargain, she flees to the CrossRoads with her lover, Nobu.

But reneging on a deal with the Devil isn’t the wisest of moves, especially when He knows Abby is the only one who can bring Him what He wants. And when tragedy strikes, it’s up to Abby and her friends to find a way to stop the violin from consuming Melanie’s soul before it’s too late, even if the journey takes them straight into Hell itself.

eBook On Sale for .99


“Well, I’m running out of ideas.

What about the thread?” I asked Kitsune. “You gave me a spool of red thread
once to help me find Talivar or my destiny or something like that.”
 Ion and Talivar blinked at me. “Destiny, is it?” Talivar said wryly.
 “It led me to the tent with your horses,” I explained. “I’m not sure it worked the
way it was supposed to, but you did show up afterward, so who knows?”
Kitsune brightened. “Ah yes. The red thread of Fate. A useful spell at times, though I
don’t know if it will work for us here. Depends on how entwined you and Melanie
are. It might not even lead you through the Gate at all.”
She paced, her fur seeming to shimmer slightly, and then one of her tails somehow
plucked a spool from the air and deposited it at my feet. I picked it up,
Brystion craning to see it curiously.
 “And what is that all about?” His eyes narrowed. “I don’t like the way it feels.”
 Kitsune cackled. “Mortals are bound by Fate more so than OtherFolk. It’s often wrapped
so tightly around them they don’t even notice it. You were never one for such
things, aye?”
He grunted at her and rolled his eyes. For a heartbeat, I could see his natural
form, the dark skin, the antlers, the hooves . . . the bells braided in his
hair with red thread. My mouth quirked, but I said nothing. Perhaps the incubus
was bound more by Fate than he liked.
I rolled the spool in my hands, taking one end of the thread. It shivered between
my fingers, almost like touching a live wire, jolts of power zipping beneath my
“Focus, ”Kitsune snapped. “What is it you really want? Where do you want to go?”
 I shut my eyes. Melanie, I thought. I need to find her. I need to fix this. I
need to save her.
The thoughts repeated over and over in my head, and as before, the spool jumped
from my hand and rolled across the ground toward the Gate. Talivar skirted out
of the way as it hurtled toward him, swearing softly.
The Gate lit up in an instant, the spool shunting through and disappearing in a
splash of silver and gold, the red thread trailing like a tail behind it.
The fox limped over to the Gate, sniffing at the corner. The corruption on her side
grew more pronounced, but her three tails lashed wildly, coating her fur with a
silver light. “Abby! Let’s go! Before it closes!”
She shifted slightly, her paws becoming humanoid, and she snatched at the hand
holding the thread and pulled me hard, the pair of us tumbling through the
Gate. “Wait!” We swept through the entrance, but my voice was enveloped in some
sort of film, a quiet I couldn’t seem to break through.
I reached for the others, but it was as though I was looking through water, a
barrier stretched between us that I couldn’t quite reach.
The thread. I clenched my fist. I was still holding the goddamned thread. What
happens when the thread keeping the Gate open goes through, Abby? What?
“It fucking closes,” I said. “That’s what.”
I struggled against Kitsune’s clawed grip. “We have to go back . . . The others . . .”
“There is no time.” Her voice was hollow and empty as she staggered beside me. Her
tails dragged limply across the ground, the dark magic beginning to move along
her fur again. “Must make it . . . Inari.”

And then she was tumbling forward, the track we were on abruptly disintegrating
beneath our feet. I snatched at her, and the two of us fell, fell, fell, the
red thread wrapping around us.

My Thoughts: Oh I was so excited when I saw another book coming out for the Abby Sinclair series! This is book 4 of the series and I really suggest reading the first 3 before this one to get a better understanding of whats going on. A Symphony of Starlight tidied up some of the loose ends and I have just really enjoyed this series. Phineas (the tiny unicorn) has been one of my favorite characters with his attitudes and underwear shenanigans. 

About the Author:

Allison is the author of the Urban Fantasy Abby Sinclair series, the IronHeart Chronicles and the writer for the webcomic Fox and Willow. She likes LEGOS, elves, LEGO elves…and bacon.

She spends her days in Northern Virginia working as a cube grunt and her nights waiting on her kids, cat, and an obnoxious northern breed dog, punctuated by the occasional husbandly serenade. Sometimes she even manages to write. Mostly she just makes it up as she goes.