Thursday, March 27, 2014

Review - Cupcake Cousins by Kate Hannigan

Synopsis: Baking a fluffy pink cupcake is awesome, but wearing a dress that looks like one? No, thank you!

Cousins Willow and Delia can't wait to spend a week vacationing together with their families. Their aunt is getting married, and Willow and Delia are hoping their tasty baked goods will be enough to get them out of being flower girls in the wedding.

Review: This is a cute story about two girls who try their absolute best to get out of being flower girls for their aunt's upcoming wedding. They feel they are too old to be flower girls and want to be a bigger part of the wedding like maybe the chefs! LOL

It's a hilarious story because the harder the girls try to prove how they should be able to cook for the wedding instead of being flower girls the more messes they get into!

Really cute and has some awesome recipes included!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Review - The Maze Runner by James Dashner

Synopsis: "If you ain't scared, you ain't human."

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He's surrounded by strangers--boys whose memories are also gone.

Outside the towering stone walls that surround the Glade is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It's the only way out--and no one's ever made it through alive.

Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying.

Review: Fantastic Mystery World! Loved it and the array of characters especially Thomas.

Thomas wakes up in a box inside a world with tall heavy walls and an endless maze. He is dubbed the Greenie for being the newest arrival of an all boy world and as expected has many questions because he has no memory of a life before waking up in the box. All he can remember is his name.

This a remarkable dystopian type story of how a group of boys try to work together and "escape" the Maze but have not succeeded for two years. There are creatures that come out mostly at night and they have needle like pinchers and razors attached to them for arms and such and if you get caught in the maze behind the door at night nobody has ever lived thru it. A girl is found in the box one day and it seems to spin the whole group and world out of control as things heat up because she comes bearing a message that a change is a coming.

There was only one part towards the beginning that aggravated me to no end but once I got past that I couldn't put this book down until the end. The pace builds up mid ways and doesn't let you go!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Review - License to Date by Susan Hatler

Synopsis: After discovering her fiancé cheated on her, Kaitlin is focused on two things: remodeling her new home and avoiding men at all costs. But her friends insist she get back in the driver’s seat and date again. They strike a hard bargain and agree to paint her house if she goes on five dates.

Review: License to Date was one of the cutest dating stories I've read in a while. I kinda had bits of it figured out before the end but it was fun going thru the paces with the story and the reactions of the characters.

Kaitlin was a wonderful hurt character who just wanted to bury her misery in remodeling her new home but her besties just wasn't having none of that and struck up this hilarious dating scheme to get her back out there. Some of the dates she went on were pure doozies and made me giggle so much!

A light fluffy feel good read!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Review - The Locket by Stacey Jay

On her seventeenth birthday, Katie discovers a locket and decides to wear it for good luck. But when her boyfriend Isaac finds out she cheated on him - with their mutual best friend Mitch, no less - he dumps her, leaving her devastated.

Review: I usually don't like time travel stories but this one was kinda light and not to much for me to keep up with or understand. It revolves around Katie and her boyfriend Issac who she has loved since they were kids. There has been an kiss between her and their mutual friend Mitch and Katie feels so guilty about it that she wishes she could go back and erase it from happening so they can all just go back to being friends and no hurt feelings between any of them. Katie gets her wish when she happens upon a locket of her visiting grandmother's and tries it on and is taken back to before the kiss but sometimes things are better left alone and is changing the past really for the best?

I have said a million times, in my own life, if only this woulda happened or if only I could go back but after reading The Locket I think I will leave destiny to fall as it may. Things really do happen for a reason and too much can be horribly messed up if we are to be allowed to go back and "fix" things. It's a book that made me really think about my life and realize that some of the best things in my life are some of the things I never even dreamed up and am so thankful for.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Review - The Fine Line by Alicia Kobishop

Synopsis: High school senior Liv Evans has one rule: No attachments. She’s lost enough in her life and has vowed to do whatever it takes to make sure she never again feels the emptiness of losing someone she loves. Boys are a fun distraction, but a serious relationship is something she’d rather live without. Her determination for a future free of pain and heartbreak is put to the test when she meets–and quickly forms an unexpected bond–with Logan Tanner.

Review: A moving romance between two individuals who thought love was not for them because of issues from their pasts. They had to learn how to connect and trust one another and even then was it enough for a serious relationship.

This was a really great debut! Liv was hardened against love because she had lost so many loved ones in her short life and it was so emotional watching her and Logan come together and try to just be friends and the tug and pull of wanting more and being to scared to go for it.

I really enjoyed this story over so many I have read because it gave the characters a chance to grow and get to know one another before moving on to anything major.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Review - Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski

Synopsis: We weren't always like this. We used to be average New York City high school sophomores. Until our homeroom went for flu shots. We were prepared for some side effects. Maybe a headache. Maybe a sore arm. We definitely didn't expect to get telepathic powers. But suddenly we could hear what everyone was thinking. Our friends. Our parents. Our crushes. Now we all know that Tess is in love with her best friend, Teddy. That Mackenzie cheated on Cooper. That, um, Nurse Carmichael used to be a stripper.

Review: This is your typical highschool drama scene more or less with everyday kids. The only thing is one class has taken a flu vaccine and has developed telepathy capabilities.

It was entertaining to read as each student came into their mind reading power how they reacted and then when they realized they weren't the only ones and tried to not think about things they didn't want the others to know which made them actually think of them more. A few kids found out way more than they bargained for.

I wasn't really satisfied with the ending. It felt a bit rushed to me and left me wondering if there will be another book after this one.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Review - Captivate by Vanessa Garden

In a glittering underwater world, nothing is as it seems...

For the past twelve months since her parents’ death, seventeen-year-old Miranda Sun has harboured a dark secret — a secret that has strained the close relationship she once shared with her older sister, Lauren. In an effort to repair this broken bond, Miranda’s grandparents whisk the siblings away on a secluded beach holiday. Except before Miranda gets a chance to confess her life-changing secret, she’s dragged underwater by a mysterious stranger while taking a midnight swim.

Review: I loved Captivate! The world was amazing as was the story and characters. At first I was thinking it was about mermaids being a sea story and all but it was a pleasant surprise it was an under sea adventure.

There was no magical or paranormal stuff involved just a breathtaking abduction and love story that sucked me in and left me actually rooting for the "bad" guy Marco in the end. There were a few parts I almost cried and for a story to have that kind of effect on was really good.

I longed for more and didn't want it to end! The title totally fits as this was a "captivating" adventure!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Delilah Dusticle Series - A.J. York

(Book 1) Delilah Dusticle has special powers, she can completely eradicate dust. With her quiver pouch of special dusters Delilah can run up walls and reaches places others just can’t. As a maid in the Fenchurch-Whittington house Delilah’s unusual skills soon lead to her being promoted to Chief Dust Eradicator and Remover. Until one day a broken heart leads to her powers taking an expected turn.

(Book 2) In this illustrated instalment, Delilah and the Dustbusters are invited to Transylvania to cater for the Hallow Eve Ball. All is not what it seems and Count Dracula has a very unusual request for Delilah.

Review: This is a delightful and action filled series that most any middle grader will really enjoy. My heart went out to Delilah in book one and continued cheering her on in her further adventures in book two when she journeyed to Transylvania. It's a fun easy clean series that I have enjoyed. Each installment seems to unravel a bit more about Delilah and her family's history and gifts.

I have been informed by the author that this is Read an Ebook Week at Smashwords (2nd-8th of March) Many titles will be listed as free or with a discount. Delilah Dusticle will be listed as free and Delilah Dusticle's Transylvanian Adventure will be listed with a 25% discount. The links below and the discount codes can be found under the checkout boxes.

Delilah Dusticle

Delilah Dusticle's Transylvanian Adventure