Friday, October 30, 2020

Book Tour/Giveaway - Life With Ollie by Donna Bourgeois

Life with Ollie: The story of an only child of a single narcissistic parent by Donna Bourgeois 


GENRE: Memoir 


BLURB: If you are of dating age or married, I wrote this book for you. This is not a self-help or a how-to book. This is the story of the metamorphosis of a timid, fear filled child who finally blossomed into a warrior. I have many scars that no one can see, but they are healed now. Through these battles to become a warrior, I have helped the wounded souls that have come to me and seen them overcome their demons to stand tall and proud of who they are. It has brought me great joy. Through the years, I have heard along the way that the ancient Chinese would fix their broken china cups or figurines with gold to make them whole again, and more valuable. I believe that humans can be repaired with love and a sense of self-worth. Each and every one of us are here for a purpose and we are given gifts to help fulfill our purpose. I would love for you to come on this journey with me. 


Exclusive Excerpt: Mom and my stepdad had just bought a cottage in Muskoka, so we would only see them on their way to or from the cottage. Mom was in pretty good humour now that she had the cottage to brag about. We sometimes went up to the cottage for the weekend and Mom would always have a list of things for John to do. My stepdad didn’t know one end of the hammer from the other. 

There are a lot of great stories from the cottage, but I will only share a few. I bought my mom a cuckoo clock and she hung it in the dining room. If she was giving one of us heck for something or other, the damn clock would cuckoo every time. We would all laugh and she’d say, “I’m going to burn that clock one day.” 

 In another favourite story of mine, my mother and stepdad went fishing. Mom always drove the boat—good ol’ Captain Ollie. My stepdad didn’t have any experience with boats, whereas Mom was used to driving boats at the lighthouse. So, Mom found a good fishing spot and yelled to my stepdad to throw out the anchor, which he did: the only problem was he hadn’t tied it to the boat. It was nylon rope so it was floating just below the water. My stepdad couldn’t reach it from the boat so he got in the water to grab it. A breeze came up and the boat started drifting away. 

Mom got all in a dither and flooded the engine. My stepdad yelled, “I’m getting tired! Throw me something to hold on to,” so my mother, still in her dither, threw him a paddle and hit him square in the forehead with it. 

 I believe my husband became jealous of my relationship with my son and that is when the trouble started. He began to exhibit some of my mother’s behaviour. Although he didn’t yell and scream, he was fond of giving me the silent treatment. As an empath, I could feel his anger attacking me. I would ask what was wrong and he would always say “Nothing.” This would leave me walking on eggshells all the time. While I would be telling him about my day, he would get up and turn the TV on, mid-sentence. Suffice it to say, I did not feel loved. 


AUTHOR Bio and Links: Donna G. Bourgeois enjoys writing and painting, both excellent activities to soothe the soul. She went to university at 65-years-old and earned an associate degree in theology, just to keep the grey matter healthy. She considers her greatest quality to be the ability to love greatly and be kind to those who life have put on her path. Life with Ollie is her first book, although she has many more story ideas waiting in the wings. She believes if you listen to your inner voice, you will find your bliss. 

Website - 

Goodreads - 

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Donna Bourgeois will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Book Tour/Giveaway - Is Blood Thicker by Kruze

Is Blood Thicker by Kruze 


GENRE: Urban Fiction 


BLURB: Have you ever looked at your circle and wonder if the people in it are really down for you? That’s the question Ceasar constantly asks himself. In his eyes betrayal is a worse crime than murder, so think twice before crossing him. 

Daquans’s was life was filled with what he considered to be normalcy. He is completely devoted to his wife, Aviana, and their son. But how deep does his loyalty run? Can he stay with Aviana when her past catches up with her, attempting to collect an unpaid debt? 

 Nolan is a prominent member of his family, but he’s also the only one who managed to make it out of the hood. His family looks to him for all type of assistance, including money, because he doesn’t have the heart to tell them enough is enough. Maybe it’s the guilt he feels from his secret that keeps him digging in his pocket for his loved ones. 

Join us as we dive into these strangers lives to explore their inner circles. Lies will be told, secrets won’t be kept, and graves will have to be dug. Take this ride with us, and maybe you could answer the question, is blood thicker? 


Excerpt: It was Christmas morning, and Daquan watched as his son slept in Symone’s bed. This isn’t how we should be celebrating, he thought. He felt guilty. He blamed himself for Zahir waking up to no gifts, no tree, but most importantly, no Aviana. Symone hadn’t returned from looking for Aviana, so Daquan didn’t know how to feel. Did they find her yet? Is Aviana dead? What am I gonna tell Zahir?

 He thought. Zahir began to move around but was still asleep. Daquan prayed that he wouldn’t wake up. He hadn’t figured out what to tell Zahir about why Aviana wasn’t there or why they were at Symone’s house. 

“I have to make something happen,” he said to himself. 

 Daquan was his son’s hero, so letting him down wasn’t an option. Daquan headed to the kitchen and searched the cabinets and refrigerator for something to cook. He soon found out that Symone didn’t keep her house stocked with groceries. 

“How does she survive like this?” Daquan questioned aloud, still searching for food. 

“I don’t need much to survive,” Symone answered, startling him. 

“Why are you creeping up on me?” Daquan questioned. 

 “How am I creeping in my own house?” Symone asked. 

 “You know what I mean,” Daquan said and closed the refrigerator. 

“You hear anything about Aviana?” “Not yet,” Symone regrettably answered. 

 “What am I gonna do?” Daquan plopped down at the kitchen table. “It’s Christmas, and I have to tell my son I have no idea where his mom is.” 


From The Author:

Describe what steps you take to achieve and maintain a healthy work/life balance.

I think the very first thing I did was sit down with my wife and explained what I needed as far as work. I told her I need my own space and time to disconnect from the household to get the chapters written or any of the other work that goes into writing and publishing a book. At first, it was difficult for her to understand, but as she started to pursue her own career, she caught on to what I was talking about. Also, I think she took the time to learn what type of writer I am. Some people can write with noise and some people need silence. Personally, I can write with noise as long as it is music that I have selected, but familiar voices would through me off so I choose to work with earbud.

Next, we came up with a schedule that would work for the both of us. Yes, I want to write full-time for a living, but we have children and a household to maintain so some things had to be put in place. The schedule is not concrete but we respect each other’s time and give notice if there is something that needs to change for the week. Balancing used to be hard for me, but communicating everything with her has made it easier to complete my projects and actually enjoy my work.

AUTHOR Bio and Links: Kruze was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although she always enjoyed writing poems as a way of expressing the things she didn’t feel comfortable saying out loud, she didn’t decide to seriously become a writer until after she graduated from high school. She started Urban Legends Publishing & Media as a way to create good literature for readers to enjoy. A self-described urban author with an erotic flare, Kruze wrote and published Cap-Poetry, a collection of poems about life, love, and sex from the viewpoint of a Capricorn as her first project. In November 2016, she released Lock and Load, a novel she co-wrote with Ace Capone, an author she signed to Urban Legends Publishing. 

Next up, is her novel, Is Blood Thicker, which was made available 8/4/2020. Kruze has several single and joint projects coming out in the future, including another book of poetry, Letters to my Exes, and several novels, including Sins of the Father, Domain High, and The Money Team. She is always working, always striving for self-improvement both in her personal and professional lives. Be on the lookout for Kruze Hatch and Urban Legends Publishing & Media. 

You can find Kruze on 

Facebook at

via her website at

or email her at



 Kruze will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Book Review Tour/Giveaway - Broken Wish by Julie C Dao


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the BROKEN WISH by Julie C. Dao Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About the Book:


Author: Julie C. Dao

Pub. Date: October 6, 2020

Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Pages: 320

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&NiBooks, KoboTBD, Bookshop.orgPurchase a SIGNED copy!

Sixteen-year-old Elva has a secret. She has visions and strange powers that she will do anything to hide. She knows the warnings about what happens to witches in their small village of Hanau. She's heard the terrible things people say about the Witch of the North Woods, and the malicious hunts that follow.

But when Elva accidentally witnesses a devastating vision of the future, she decides she has to do everything she can to prevent it. Tapping into her powers for the first time, Elva discovers a magical mirror and its owner-none other than the Witch of the North Woods herself. As Elva learns more about her burgeoning magic, and the lines between hero and villain start to blur, she must find a way to right past wrongs before it's too late.

The Mirror: Broken Wish marks the first book in an innovative four-book fairy-tale series written by Julie C. Dao, Dhonielle Clayton, Jennifer Cervantes, and L. L. McKinney, following one family over several generations, and the curse that plagues it.

Broken Wish is the perfect dark Disney fairytale.” – The Disney Blog

Julie C. Dao sets the bar high with Broken Wish, a stunning and skillful introduction to the world of The Mirror, Disney's new fractured fairy-tale series written by four different authors that follows a family curse through the ages.” - Medium

Fairy tales were literally the foundation of how I started writing my first full-length novel at the age of eight. So, it felt like coming full circle when Disney asked me to write the first book in this series, and I had a blast incorporating classic fairy tale themes with my own twist. Hanau, Germany is none other than the birthplace of the Brothers Grimm, and as a lover of dark fairy tales, I felt that there was no setting more perfect for me to explore. My book takes place during a time when rural villages would still have clung to superstition and prejudice, and that gave me an excellent springboard for this book about a woman who has never quite fit in and longs for love and friendship.” - Julie C. Dao on Broken Wish in Publishers Weekly


My Thoughts: Even though I found it a bit predictable this was a lovely fairy tale based on broken promises and witchcraft. Two combinations I love! I adored the characters even the cruel ones because Julie wrote them in such a way that they practically came to life on each page with their own issues and flaws. But I especially loved Elva and her big heart that never stopped giving or caring. All in all I really enjoyed Julie's spin on this and can't wait to see where the rest of the series takes us. 4/5 stars

About Julie:

Julie C. Dao is the author of the acclaimed Rise of the Empress duology, including Forest of a Thousand Lanterns and Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix, as well as the follow-up novel Song of the Crimson Flower. A proud Vietnamese-American who was born in upstate New York, she now lives in New England. Follow her on Twitter @jules_writes. Photo Credit: Melody Marshall


Website | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon



Giveaway Details:


3 winners will receive a finished copy of BROKEN WISH, US Only.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Kait Plus Books






Week Two:


Seeing Double In Neverland



Novel Novice



The Book Nut : A Book Lovers Guide



Nays Pink Bookshelf



Rajiv's Reviews



Week Three:


A Dream Within A Dream



The Bookwyrm's Den



Smada's Book Smack



Book Briefs



The Mind of a Book Dragon



Week Four:


Do You Dog-ear?














Week Five:


What A Nerd Girl Says






Gimme The Scoop Reviews



A Backwards Story



